Bitcoin vs Altcoins

November 30, 2021

Bitcoin vs. Altcoins

Buying cryptocurrencies has become increasingly popular in the past couple of years, and Bitcoin and Altcoins are the two popular options investors have at their disposal. While Bitcoin has been around since 2009, Altcoins came about much later, with the first being Namecoin in 2011, and since then, more than 5,000 Altcoins have been created. Both types have their unique features, making them the perfect option in different scenarios. In this article, we will compare Bitcoin and Altcoins and provide unbiased information as to which one might be the better investment option.


Bitcoin is the first and foremost cryptocurrency, and it has the highest market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies by far, which is currently at $872.64 billion. It is the preferred option for many investors since it is stable, backed by prominent companies such as Tesla, and has a substantial demand in different sectors.

Bitcoin's security is among the strongest because it is decentralized and no single entity controls it. Its blockchain is tamper-proof, and with its defined maximum supply of 21 million coins, it is an excellent long-term investment option. Bitcoin has also become more stable compared to the early years, making it an excellent store of value.


Altcoins are referred to as alternative cryptocurrencies to Bitcoin, and there are several options available to investors, ranging from small-cap to large-cap. The market capitalization of Altcoins is much smaller than Bitcoin, and it is currently at $2.51 trillion. Each Altcoin has its unique features and properties, which makes them a varied investment option. They are also used to increase the diversification of an investor's portfolio.

The market for Altcoins changes rapidly, and this makes it an option that is difficult to predict. Some Altcoins have experienced substantial gains, but others have fallen rapidly. Altcoins have a higher risk of price volatility because they are usually less established than Bitcoin, and some are not backed by significant companies like Bitcoin.

Bitcoin vs. Altcoins Comparison

Market Capitalization

The market capitalization for Bitcoin is currently at $872.64 billion, which is a lot higher than Altcoins' collective market capitalization standing at $2.51 trillion. Bitcoin has been around for over a decade, and due to its popularity, it is attracting more investors.


Bitcoin is more liquid than many Altcoins, making it easier to buy and sell compared to Altcoins. However, some Altcoins have substantial liquidity, which makes it easy to trade them.

Price Volatility

Altcoins are more volatile than Bitcoin, and this makes them risky for investors. They can increase in value rapidly but can also fall sharply. Bitcoin, on the other hand, has become more stable, which makes it an excellent store of value.


Bitcoin is the most adopted cryptocurrency, and it is used widely for different purposes. Many companies such as Tesla and Visa have invested in Bitcoin, making it increasingly popular. Altcoins are less adopted but are gaining popularity as more companies adopt them.


Both Bitcoin and Altcoins are excellent investment options, but based on market capitalization, liquidity, price volatility, and adoption, Bitcoin seems to offer a more stable and secure investment option. Altcoins, on the other hand, offer a more diversified investment option but are riskier for investors due to their higher volatility.

It's crucial to do your research before investing in cryptocurrencies since the market changes rapidly, and each cryptocurrency has its unique pros and cons. Always ensure you invest the amount you can afford to lose.


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